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Friday, July 22, 2005


Here's Zyphr Krymzyn without armor - she usually "dresses up" when she considers herself on duty.

Here is some detailed info about Zyphr's armor. She pretty much made it or modified it herself. Zyphr Krymzyn has some pretty cutting remarks if you don't watch yourself. She's a great tech, but she also likes to use sharp instruments for climbing and fighting - killing if necessary. But really she's a good sport. Unless extreme consequence or under direct orders, she wouldn't dream of sneaking up on someone, preferring a fair fight. Not everyone plays by the rules of course, so it's good to have some extra backup.

Krymzn never backs out of a deal or turns around and shoots her paying contractors in the back. You don't forge a good reputation unless you finish what you start. So far she's only accepted missions and money from the Empire or other related or neutral employers. Because of her background and upbringing, she's all for the Empire and can't figure out why anyone would rebel against a system that holds the galaxy together and keeps it from splintering into chaos.
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